Recurring Invoices

When a group of Customers are billed repeatedly for the same type of Product or service, a recurring Invoice may be added to increase the efficiency of entering those repetitive Invoices. Recurring Invoices are set up at Setup / A/R / Recurring Invoices.

  • Customer ID – Select a Customer for the recurring Invoice. This could be a generic Customer since a Customer Classification is selected when posting recurring Invoices.
  • Comments – Optionally enter Comments that will appear on the recurring Invoice. Double-click the Comment label to select a saved comment.
  • Terms – Optionally select the Payment Terms for the recurring Invoices.
  • Product Name – Double-click to select the Products to be included on the recurring Invoice.
  • Quantity – Enter the quantity for the Product.
  • Unit $ – Enter the unit price. Double-clicking in this area displays the pricing information for the Product.
  • Dept ID – This displays the Inventory Department ID for the selected Product.
  • Prod ID – This displays the Product ID for the selected Product.


This utility is helpful when virtually identical Invoices are to be sent to a group of Customers at regular intervals. At the Post Recurring Invoices screen found under the A/R menu, individual Customers cannot be selected. Customers who should receive a recurring Invoice should be included in a Customer Classification.

Indicate the Invoice Location, either Current or Customer, for the Invoices being posted. Select the Customer Classification, and choose Post.

Each Invoice displays with the option to SaveSkip, or Cancel. Choosing Save adds the Invoice to the Customer file, inventory file, and General Ledger. Skip does no posting and goes to the next Customer in the Classification. Cancel stops the process.