When making the conversion from EBID to GLN, multiple areas in Agvance as well as AGIIS Customer Web Services need updated.
If using Grower Orders, contact SSI to coordinate updating GLNs.
B2B Setup Updates Within B2B Setup , navig...
The Employee Ledger Card can be an essential tool in obtaining detailed information about an Employee’s deductions, tax withholding, hours, and wages per Paycheck. Besides the information already listed, the report also contains the Employee’s tax...
See here for information on updating Budget Billing Memo Invoices. This utility, found at Energy / Utilities / Update Equal Billing Info , was designed to simplify the task of updating the Equal Billing amounts on tanks. Multiple tanks may be ed...
Access information about SKY Customer People and Places by selecting Relationships and Destinations from the left navigation panel. ...
Easily assign and reorder jobs directly on applicator devices to see your pipeline of work in real-time.
The Grower Order Product Substitution utility is available to assist in locating all Grower Orders for a specific Vendor and Location containing the selected Product. This Product can be substituted for a new Product using the utility.
Windows Agvance
On a new Blend Ticket, choose the Priority Level from the drop-down menu on the Blend tab.
To edit a Blend Ticket’s priority, search for the Blend Ticket number in Agvance and choose Edit .
Select Show ...
The Dealer Order functionality is available for Vendors set up with seed ordering connectivity and provides tools to more effectively manage seed orders. At Accounting / Inventory / Manage Seed Orders / Dealer Orders a listing of all Deal...
Overview of the Nutrient Recommendation Process Nutrient recommendations, sometimes called field prescriptions, are calculated in the Agvance Planning module and saved in the field file on the Nutrient Recs tab. They are available for viewing, pr...
The Fairbanks FB2550 has the ability to connect to Agvance Scale Interface via an Ethernet connection. Obtain the IP address and the Local Port prior to the Agvance Grain Scale Interface setup for the Fairbanks FB2550. Obtaining IP Address from Fai...