General Ledger Reports


Statement of Operations
A statement of operations summarizes an organization's financial operations during a specified period. This report shows income and expenses as well as payment of earnings and additions to reserves. The Statement of Operations in Agvance is found at...
Cash Flow Statement
A Cash Flow statement shows the cash inflow from operations and financial investments as well as the cash outflow that pays for business activities and investments. The Cash Flow statement is found at Accounting Reports / General Ledger / Financial...
Definable Profit and Loss Report
This report is found in  Accounting / Reports / General Ledger / Financial Reports / Definable Profit and Loss . The report allows the option to define a customized profit and loss statement. The report may be run as of any fiscal month, with or wit...
Definable Gross Margin Report
The Definable Gross Margin Report is found in  Accounting / Reports / General Ledger / Financial Reports and can be run three different ways. The options include  Current Year Only ,  Compare to Budget , or  Compare to Last Year . The report criter...
Definable Gross Margin Report Shows Zeroes
The Definable Gross Margin report shows zeros when it should show quantities. To ensure the data is reflected correctly on the report, navigate to Accounting Reports / General Ledger / Financial Reports / Definable Gross Margin and select Setup F...