Adding a GLN to a Grower

Easily verify or add GLN information associated with a customer or manufacturer.

  1. At Accounting / File / Open / Customer, locate the customer and select Edit
  2. Choose Attributes to determine if the GLN is listed. 
  3. Add the GLN manually by entering the appropriate information in the Attribute Value column. 
  4. The GLN can also be added or verified by selecting AGIIS on the customer’s Profile tab. 
    1. Search by Company Name, Last Name and Zip, Name/City/State, or by Phone Number
    2. On the Results window, select the appropriate row. If more than one result returns, be sure to select an Active listing containing GLN information. 
    3. In the lower grid, update the customer in Agvance by selecting the checkbox in the Update column for any row to be updated. 
    4. Select OK
    5. On the Profile tab, select Attributes to verify the GLN information was added in the Attributes window. 
    6. Choose Save.