Adding a GLN to a Grower

Easily verify or add GLN information associated with a Customer or manufacturer.

  1. Navigate to Accounting / File Folder / Customers, locate the Customer, and select Edit
  2. Choose Attributes to determine if the GLN is listed. 
  3. Add the GLN manually by entering the appropriate information in the Attribute Value column. Select Done
  4. The GLN can also be added or verified by selecting AGIIS on the Customer’s Profile tab. 
    1. Select a tab to search by Company Name, Last Name and Zip, Name/City/State, or by Phone Number. Enter the search criteria and choose Search.
    2. Information returned from AGIIS displays in the top grid of the Results window, select the appropriate row. Once selected, data populates in the second, third, and bottom grids.
      Note: If more than one result returns, be sure to select a listing marked IsActive and GLN information is populated in the third grid.
    3. In the third grid, select the Type GLN. Verify the selected GLN is associated with a Tech License number, displayed in the grid to the right of the GLN information.
    4.  The bottom grid contains the following columns:
      • Agvance – Populated with information from the Customer file.
      • AGIIS – Information returned from AGIIS. 
        Note: Information in the AGIIS column can be edited or data not provided by AGIIS can also be entered.
    5. For each Element in Agvance to be updated with the AGIIS results, select the checkbox in the Update column. Optionally choose Tag All to select all rows. 
    6. Select OK to update the Customer file and return to the Profile tab. 
  5. Optionally, on the Profile tab, select Attributes to verify the GLN information was added in the Attributes window. 
  6. Choose Save.