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  1. Sales Staff

    Sales staff may optionally be set up and then assigned to specific Customers or transactions. ID – Enter up to 15 characters to designate this Salesperson. Inactive – Select this option if the Salesperson is no longer active. First Name/...
  2. Grower360 Energy Tank Refill

    Refill Requests must first be set up in SKY Admin. See here for more on this setup. Notifications can be set up to receive these Refill Requests in SKY. See here for more on setting up these notifications. Once submitted, these orders can...
  3. Product Setup

  4. Grain Scale Interface Shipments

    Overview Open Sales Contracts and the units available to apply to a Shipment display on the  Add a Scale Ticket window in the Grain Scale Interface to help prevent over applying units to a Sales Contract and keep the  Net Position  correct on the ...
  5. Settling Installment Sale or Deferred Payment Contracts Early

    Overview Many customers want to start writing checks early in December to payout Deferred Payments or Installment Sale Contracts that are due the first week of January. However, if the Deferred Payment and Installment Sales disposition on the DPR m...
  6. Reported vs. GIS Acres - SKY Mapping

    When making edits to a field boundary in SKY Mapping edits will be made to the GIS Acres in Agvance.  Upon saving the field, the GIS Acres will be updated in the Hub SKY Mapping will not update the Reported acres. Reported Acres are t...
  7.  Crop Zones

    This video discusses Crop Zones and how to set them up. ...
  8. Grain Shipment Process

    Document the movement of grain out of the elevator in which sales contracts were made. Navigate to Grain / Operations / Shipments and choose Add , or select the Add a Shipment icon.  On the Add a Shipment window, enter the Shipment # . Th...
  9. Employer HSA Contributions

    These contributions must be reported on W-2s. At  Accounting / End of Periods / Print EOY Tax Forms / W-2’s on the Setup tab, there is not a deduction to select which represents the employer’s contribution since this money was not deducted from...
  10. Reading a Scale Interface Debug Report

    Overview Reading a debug file for scale interface is not as complicated as it looks.  Once the debug has run, it will create two files in the selected directory, called SSIScTkDebug.txt and SSIScTkDebugAscii.txt.  The first file will list all of th...