AgGateway Grower Point of Sale Export Process

Export and transmit a listing of all seed invoices and associated grower information. This functionality is only available with Bayer CropScience.

  1. At Accounting / Transfers / Export / AgGateway / XML select Export All Unexported Invoice Line Items
    • Although the beginning and ending Invoices can be manually entered, by selecting the option to Export All Unexported Line Items, any Invoice with a line item change is included in the export. 
    • When exporting Invoices to AgGateway, voided Invoices can be included in the exports as a negative quantity. 
  2. Double-click in the Vendor field and select Bayer
  3. Select the Product Classification which contains the Bayer product. Select Done
  4. Select OK to send the information to Bayer. 
  5. When the export is complete: 
    • A window displays indicating the message was successfully submitted. 
    • If the export did not send successfully, an error message displays. Contact SSI Support to assist in identifying the cause of the error.
  6. Bayer reviews the export file and will reach out with any questions or concerns.