Grower360 Overview Page


Grower360 Cash Bids
Cash Bids information displays when Agvance Grain is used and Cash Bid information is set up using an active subscription to DTN or Barchart. For more information on setting up cash bid information to display in Grower360, see Cash Bid Setup . Cas...
Grower360 Balances
An overview of the customer's balances can be viewed from the Balances area. Net Due The Net Due card displays the current amount due on the customer's account. The Net Due amount is the Regular Balance less the Unapplied Credit balanc...
Grower360 Commodities
Delivered, unsettled Grain Commodities on the customer's account can be quickly viewed from the Grain Balances cards. Additional information on available Commodities can be found here .  This area of the menu only displays if a customer has Grai...
Grower360 Recent Activity
The most recent Payments, Invoices, Scale Tickets, and Field Applications on the customer's account can be quickly reviewed. Selecting See More on any of the grids displays additional transactions. If the Grain , Fields , Payments , and/or ...
Overview Page - Grower360
            The Overview page in Grower360 gives Growers a snapshot of their account information. Cash Bids – When Agvance Grain is used and Cash Bid information is set up using an active subscription to DTN or Barchart, Cash Bi...