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  1.  Delivery Ticket Backorders and Delivery Ticket Journal

    Delivery Ticket Backorders can be used if loading a Delivery Ticket but there is not enough inventory in the warehouse to cover the full amount on the original ticket. ...
  2. Grain Scale Reports

    Grain Scale reports are found at Hub / Utilities / Agvance Grain Scale Interface / Reports / Pre-Transfer Reports . Inbound Scale Tickets This report shows Grade Factors and split information on the Scale Ticket before transferring the Scale Ti...
  3. Supplier eLink for Seed - Pre and Post Seasons eLearning

    This course describes features available with Agvance Supplier eLink used to prepare for and close a seed season. Start Course ...
  4. SKY Dispatch and Apply Update

    A SKY Dispatch change will be deployed tomorrow, November 17th, in the morning which includes enhanced tracking of applicator locations within the Dispatch module. The SSI team has extensively tested this internally and we have also had customers ac...
  5. Product Price Audit

    The Product Price Audit report displays price changes made using Edit Product Pricing , Edit Product Pricing Using Formulas or at the Product Pricing tab. This report can be filtered by product, date range, price levels, and optionally by a dol...
  6. Capturing Patronage Activity

    Qualifying sales and purchases for a specified time period are captured at Capture Activity / Agvance Activity . These values serve as the basis for the Patronage payments. Clear Existing Patronage Totals Clear Sales – This option c...
  7.  Agronomy Operations Dashboard

    This dashboard displays a count of tickets in various stages of agronomy operations. It is based on data from a scheduled extract that occurs daily. Purpose Agronomy Operations displays a count of tickets Pending Dispatch Jobs , Loaded Ble...
  8. Add Journal Entry - SKY Ledger

    Create a manual Journal Entry in the ledger by selecting the blue + Add Entry button once drilled into an account. Note: A Company Admin will have to turn on this ability in SKY Admin per user. Choose General or Vendor as the type of e...
  9. Set Default Location

    Used only by those managing multiple locations in the same database, this allows the current location setting to be changed. This causes the computer to check that all customers, vendors, and products used are associated with the selected location. ...
  10. Statement Aging Messages

    The Use Aging Messages option is available on Balance Forward, Open Item, and Combo Statements. User-defined aging messages can be set for the aging periods, Current, 1-30, 31-60,  and  Over 60. Aging Messages are available in the ...