Shipments in Grain


A Shipment in Grain is the outbound transaction of grain moving from an elevator to a farmer, processor, or terminal. Shipments can be Contract, Spot, Priced Later, or Redeposit.

This is similar to a Scale Ticket and can be by truck or rail load.

Sometimes these are entered as estimated units or weights until received from processor. Grade Factors can be entered to compare elevator/processor results.

Note: Redeposit is elevator-owned grain stored at another facility.

A Direct Shipment is the outbound transaction of grain moving from a farmer to a processor or terminal under an elevator's name.


Document the movement of grain out of the elevator in which Sales Contracts were made.

  1. Navigate to Grain / Operations / Shipments and choose Add, or select the Add a Shipment icon.
    Note: Shipments can also be created from Outbound Scale Tickets within Grain Scale Interface.
  2. On the Add a Shipment window, enter the Shipment #. This may automatically populate if auto numbering is enabled. The Ship Date defaults to the current date but may be edited. 
    • The Additional Info tab allows for the recording of Axles, a Release Number, Lot Number, Vehicle, Trailer, Seal Numbers, and Destination Information
    • The Comments tab allows comments to be recorded by typing in the Comment area and choosing Accept. Additional comments are added by selecting Add Comment and repeating the steps above. Add a previously saved comment by double-clicking in the Comment area, selecting the comment to use, and choosing Accept
  3. Enter the Estimated Weight or Estimated Units, Commodity, and Customer ID. Additional information may also be entered. 
  4. In the Shipment Details grid, double-click on Contract and select the Sales Contract desired. Non contract volume can be added by selecting Add Spot Row. Quantity, Price, and In-Trans Price can be edited in the grid as needed. Optionally enter a Basis Price.
    Note: Selecting a Sales Contract automatically populates some of the information mentioned above.
  5. If freight is to be paid, double-click in the Freight Vendor field. Highlight the vendor and choose Select. Choose Charges and, on the Freight Charges window, select Add Charge. Enter the Quantity and Rate then select Done
  6. Double-click on Bin, highlight the bin(s) from which the grain is drawn, and choose Done. Enter the Quantity to be drawn from each bin or enter the % and select Calculate Qty from %. Agvance then calculates the quantity from each bin.
    Note: Estimated Units, the total of Quantity units in the Shipment Details grid, and the total Quantity in the Bins section must be equal. 
  7. Grade factor values for the selected commodity can be added by double-clicking on Grade Factors. Highlight the factor and select Done. Enter the Result value. 
  8. If an advance has been received, double-click on the Advance column heading to attach it to the Shipment. On the Select Shipment Advance window, highlight the advance and select Done. Enter the Amount
  9. Select Print Shipment on Save if desired and choose Save.