Popular Articles

  1. Mapping Menu - SKY Mapping

    The Mapping menu allows the options to navigate, search, and take measurements in the mapping area. Map Extent Select Extent to navigate the Mapping window.  Previous – This moves to the map boundary last viewed. If the map wa...
  2. Customer Credits Report

    The Customer Credits report, found at Accounting / Accounting Reports / Accounts Receivable / A/R Status , displays Customers with open Credit Invoices on the Customer’s account. For Customers with Credit Invoices, the UAC  and Regul...
  3. Grain Journal Entries

    The following article explains how to record purchases and sales of grain in Accounting. It provides examples of Journal Entries for different types of transactions and explains how to adjust the quantity balance of accounts. The document emphasizes...
  4. Import Automated Blender Done Files

    This area at Blending / Edit / Import Automated Blender Done Files updates unloaded Delivery Tickets with completed SSI XML blender interface information. The list of tickets displayed are Unloaded , Non-Voided , Non-Reversed , and Non-Return ...
  5. Technology License

    This optional feature is utilized on any point of sale document (Blend Tickets, Delivery Tickets, and Invoices). The technology license can print on customer documents and the Product Rebate report. The Check Method on the Technology Group determ...
  6. Importing New Soil Test Points and Results

    Q.  How are new soil sample results on a field imported when the sample points have changed from the previous soil tests? A.  Before importing the new results, evaluate if the previous soil test results and points should be preser...
  7. Best Practices for Surviving a Grain Examination

    Overview This document describes the basic examination processes that state and federal examiners generally follow when performing a grain examination. Also listed are critical steps for establishing a clean examination cut-off and to preserve data...
  8. Password Authorization Form - Fax to SSI

    There are two important password-protected utilities in Agvance. One is the user setup utility in the Hub and the other is a separate utility that can perform operations on the database itself through the SQL Server® program. The Agvance User S...
  9. Deposit Tickets

    When ordering deposit tickets, a sample deposit ticket or bank specification sheet is required to ensure correct MICRO encoding. Company and bank imprint is available in black ink only. See here to place an order. Booked Deposit Tickets SSI off...
  10. May 2024 SKY Release Notes

    Admin SKYW-3857 / Invoice and Statement Notifications  –  Invoice  and  Statement  are now options under  Email Notifications  and  Text Notifications  in Grower360  Settings . To ma...