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  1. End of Payroll Year

    End of Payroll Year Checklist If attendance tracking is used, all attendance information should be entered before ending the payroll year. This archives the attendance records into the previous payroll year for future reference. ___   Verify ...
  2. End of Year 1099-PATR Box 3 Considerations

    If the company will be reporting Per-Unit Retain Allocations (1099-PATR Box 3), below are some items that should be discussed with the auditor and suggestions for options on the Domestic Product Report found in Agvance at Grain / Grain Reports / ...
  3. Patronage Categories

    Patronage Categories are set up at Setup / Patronage Categories . This screen is used to define up to 50 categories (such as Chemicals, Fertilizer, Corn Purchases, etc.) on which the co-op intends to base its Patronage disbursements. Patronag...
  4. Using Purchase Add-on Charges to Account for Seed Discounts / Rebates

    While it may not be known exactly what rebates will be received until the end of the seed season, it is important to incorporate an estimate of the rebate in the cost of the seed products so the sales margins are reasonable. There are two seed disco...
  5. SKY Crop Planning Report

    The Sky Crop Planning report displays total crop acres per Grower, Farm, or Field when a Planting Rec is created to assist Growers in crop planning. Navigate to Reports / SKY Mapping and select the Sky Crop Planning Report . Multiple Fields ...
  6. Prepay Money Only - Special Prepay Prices

    In this case, the customer pays a certain amount of money but not for specific items. Special pricing is given on the products when the prepay money is used. Have an item in the inventory called Prepaid Product. In this case, the generic item is us...
  7. SKY Soil Test Report

    The Sky Soil Test Report displays soil test results by point including a surface layer. The surface view can be updated in the Layers tab of SKY Mapping to reflect different legend values or color ramps. Navigate to Reports / SKY Mapping and sel...
  8. JDF

    Setup This area at Setup / A/R / JDC Setup allows the setup of the JDF Multi-Use Account integration such as credit plan numbers, descriptive billing codes, terminal numbers, and preferences. For further information on this optional add-on module...
  9.  Grower360 Purchase Contract Electronic Signatures

    Using Electronic Signatures eliminates the wait for mailed, paper copies of Purchase Contracts. Review how to add and use both buyer and seller signatures to Agvance Grain Purchase Contracts in the video below. ...
  10.  SKY Admin: Overview

    SKY Admin is an app where company SKY users are managed and access to SKY features and their related management settings are granted. ...