Outbound Grain Processes


Shipments in Grain
Overview A Shipment in Grain is the outbound transaction of grain moving from an elevator to a farmer, processor, or terminal. Shipments can be Contract, Spot, Priced Later, or Redeposit. This is similar to a Scale Ticket and can be by truck or ...
Sales Contracts in Grain
Overview A Sales Contract is a binding contract between an elevator and a processor/terminal for a specified delivery period and number of units. It is a commitment to determine delivery of a specific Commodity at a certain time and price. An un...
Calculate a Deduction Amount on Shipment Settlements
When Sales Contracts with selected Discount schedules are used on Shipment during the settlement, the Shipment Deductions may calculate a per Shipment Deduction for the deduction linked to a Premium / Discount schedule. Setup At Se...
Grain Shipment Process
Document the movement of grain out of the elevator in which sales contracts were made. Navigate to Grain / Operations / Shipments and choose Add , or select the Add a Shipment icon.  On the Add a Shipment window, enter the Shipment # . Th...
Shipment Settlement Process
Settle outbound Grain Shipments by check or Invoice. Navigate to Grain / Operations / Shipment Settlements and select Add .  On the Add a Shipment Settlement window, select the Location . Choose the Commodity and/or customer by double-click...
Shipment Advances
A Shipment Advance is an early payment from a terminal to an elevator before grain is settled upon. Advances can be established for a specific Shipment or Shipments or generically. It is deducted upon processing the Shipment Settlement. Process N...
Migrate Sales Contracts
Non-priced Sales Contracts can be migrated to priced by going to Grain / Operations / Sales Contracts and selecting Migrate . The units for the new contract can be established as well as the Destination and FOB prices. If the s...