New Articles

  1. Storage and Service Schedules

    Storage and Service Schedules may be applied to Assemblies and Settlements. The schedules can be set up with the initial charges and/or daily rate charges. Setup Charge ID – Enter a code to identify the Storage/Service Charge. This code may ...
  2. Shrink Tables

    When physical attributes such as moisture affect the quantity of product being processed, a Shrink Table is needed. Shrink Tables are set up for a specific Grade Factor and Commodity combination. Common Shrink Tables may include moisture, damage, a...
  3. Settlement Deductions

    A Settlement Deduction is an adjustment reflected as a monetary deduction or addition on the Settlement paid to a customer. These are applied after priced adjustments are made. Common examples of Settlement Deductions are Commodity assessments or c...
  4. Premium / Discount Tables

    Similar to Shrink tables (which affect units), the Premium/Discount tables affect dollar values instead – either positively or negatively. In the Premium/Discount table, conditions are established to calculate whether a Commodity receives a premium ...
  5. Grade Factors

    Grade Factors are used to identify attributes of the Commodity. They are used in the setup of Premium/Discount to affect the price transacted on a Commodity. Additionally, they are used to create Shrink and Dock Tables, which control quantity of t...
  6. Dock Tables

    Similar to Shrink Tables, Dock Tables affect the quantity of a Commodity being processed when its physical attribute requires dockage. Dock Tables are set up for a specific Grade Factor and Commodity combination. Common Dock Tables may be included f...
  7. Commodity Setup

    Information for each type of Commodity being purchased, sold, and/or stored is entered here. This information is used throughout the Agvance Grain program as Scale Tickets are entered, commodities are received, and grain is shipped. Commodity specif...
  8. Grain Preferences

    This setup area allows configuring various defaults and settings to customize the program to the company’s preferences. Edit configurations at Setup / Preferences . General Scale Tickets – The last report number and posting date are bo...
  9. Update Equal Billing Info

    See here for information on updating Budget Billing Memo Invoices. This utility, found at Energy / Utilities / Update Equal Billing Info , was designed to simplify the task of updating the Equal Billing amounts on tanks. Multiple tanks may be ed...
  10. Update Rent/Lease Amounts

    This utility was created as a quick and easy way to update rent or lease amounts charged per cycle. The New Amount may be applied to all selected tanks or the amount can be manually updated for each tank. Tank rent and lease amounts can easily be...