Adding Blend Tickets
Blend Ticket Overview
Blend Tickets are generated for a customer’s Field. A Field must exist for the customer before a Blend Ticket may be created. Fields can be added one at a time at Hub / File / Open / Fields or a gene...
Formulate Liquid Fertilizer Blend Using Gallons of Guaranteed Analysis
When applying a liquid fertilizer blend at a given gallon per acre, it is possible to formulate the Guaranteed Analysis for that specific amount. At the Add Blend Ticket window, enter the Guaranteed Analysis request in the boxes for N , P , K ,...
Blend to Stock
This feature is designed to formulate a blend to inventory (for stockpile) instead of invoicing the resulting blended material. It combines the power of the Blending module and the manufactured blend function. Navigate to Blending / Edit / ...
Importing SKY Mapping Recommendations
Recommendations made in SKY Mapping can be imported into a Blend Ticket in the Agvance program. Importing recommendations from SKY Mapping into Blends or Plans automatically links products the same way as when exporting to SKY Mapping. If no product...
Guaranteed Analysis Blend Ticket
Create a fertilizer Blend Ticket. Guaranteed Analysis displays only the percentage analysis per 100 pounds on the Invoice and combines the products used to formulate the Blend. Navigate to Blending / File / Open / Blend Ticket . Choose the Custom...
Import Scale Ticket - Blended Product
Navigate to Blending / File / Open / Blend Ticket . On the Select a Blend Ticket window, choose the desired Blend Ticket and select Edit . Select Edit to Actual . On the Edit Ticket to Actual Scale window, select the Ellipsis icon at...
Import Scale Ticket - VRT Product
Navigate to Blending / File / Open / Blend Ticket . On the Select a Blend Ticket window, choose the desired Blend Ticket and select Edit . Right-click Edit to Actual . On the Import Scale Interface Records window, select the Gray Rect...
Lbs of Plant Food - Blend Ticket
Create a fertilizer Blend Ticket. Lbs of Plant Food is the pounds of nutrient per acre. Navigate to Blending / File / Open / Blend Ticket . On the Select a Blend Ticket window, select the Customer and Field. Choose Add . On the Select a Fie...
Blend to Stock from Automated Blender File
Blend a product for inventory instead of immediate use by a customer. Create an unloaded Blend Ticket to use for mixing material. Navigate to Blending / Edit / Blend to Stock / From Automated Blender File . Highlight the Automated Blender File ...
Setting Up and Using Blend Fees
Q. What is a blend fee, and how do I set it up? A. A blend fee is a product set up to represent a charge for blending, delivery, or equipment for fertilizer, feed, etc. It is usually set up in a Fee Inventory Department in the Hub. Blend fe...
Variable Rate Blend Ticket with Multiple Products
Overview When creating variable rate fertilizer Blend Tickets with multiple products that will be applied individually in a single application using a multi-bin spreader, separate Blend sheets may be printed to give to the plant operator to load th...
Crop Zones and DriftWatch on Custom Application Sheets
Q. As a Blending user who also subscribes to the DriftWatch service, I need the crop zone colors as well as the DriftWatch data to print on the same Custom Application sheets. How can I accomplish this task? A. When printing the Custom Applicat...