Dispatch Notification Emails

Q.  How are Job Complete notification emails setup in Agvance Dispatch?

A.  Agvance Dispatch has the ability to send a notification for completed Jobs to a customer’s contacts. This email contains the JobID, Customer, Field, Date, Time, and Ticket Number. Below is an example.

Setup must be completed in the following areas:

  • Hub / Setup / Company Preferences / General tab
  • Hub / Setup / Users / Profile tab
  • Hub or Accounting / File / Open / Customers / Contacts / Customer Contacts window
  • Dispatch / Agronomy Work Orders / Setup / Multi API Work Order Setup / General tab

Navigate to the Hub / Setup/ Company Preferences / General tab. Enter the Mail Host information.

An email address needs setup for each individual Dispatch Scheduling Manager. To do so, navigate to the Hub / Setup / Users / Profile tab. Enter an Email Address and Password

This email address is used to send notifications to the contacts setup on the Customer Contacts window. In the Hub or the Accounting module, navigate to File / Open / Customers. Select the necessary customer, and choose the Contacts button. The Customer Contacts window displays. Enter the Name of the contact, set the Contact Type to Dispatch, and enter the Email Address. If the Contact Type dropdown menu is blank or does not have Dispatch as an option, click inside the textbox and type ‘Dispatch’.

Select the Setup button on the Dispatch / Agronomy Work Orders window to open the Multi API Work Order Setup window. Select the Send Email option, and set the Contact Type to Dispatch. Optionally, select the Display Email Notifications preference. 

Once setup, Job Complete Notification emails are sent when a job in Dispatch changes from Ready to Complete.  

Sending Worker Protection Sheets and Custom Application Sheets

Dispatch has the ability to send a copy of the Worker Protection Sheet and the Custom Application sheet to the customer’s and/or applicator’s contacts. Worker Protection Sheets are only created and sent for chemical tickets and Agvance products linked with a regulatory database. Select any additional documents to send on the Dispatch / Agronomy Work Orders / Setup / Location Preferences window.

Sending the documents to the applicator also requires an Email Address be setup on the Hub / Setup / Applicators / Edit Applicators Information window.

To receive copies of the documents, add the necessary User ID and Email Address to the grid on the Dispatch / Agronomy Work Orders / Setup / Multi API Work Order Setup / General tab.