New Articles

  1. Fringe Benefits

    Fringe Benefits might include personal use of a company vehicle or life insurance on an individual that the company pays. The objective is to bring the value of that benefit into the Gross Wage Total so that it is reflected on the employee’s W-2. ...
  2. Price Overrides

    Price overrides can be recorded in the database when a price is changed on a transaction. Additionally, a reason can be required to be entered. When this information is recorded, the Price Changes Log report displays the information. Navigate to A...
  3. Time Card Import Formats

    When using the  Import Time Cards  utility, a third-party time keeping system is used to create a text file with the employee’s time information. This file imports information into Agvance Time Cards, which are then imported when using the  Payroll ...
  4. Using Finance Companies to Pay Invoices

    Sometimes the following Accounts Receivable situation can occur. A Customer orders Product which will be paid for by an outside finance company, but the payments will not be processed directly through an interface such as JDF Multi-Use. The fin...
  5. Inventory Detail Recap Report

    The Inventory Detail Recap report shows a high-level summary of product activity reflecting the movement of inventory. Navigate to Accounting Reports / Inventory / Inventory Position / Inventory Detail Recap . The headings on the report are as foll...
  6. Heating Degree Days - Energy

  7. Product Cost Audit Report

    When questions or concerns arise around Product Costs there are two different areas that can offer research assistance. The Product Cost Audit report, found at Accounting Reports / Inventory / Inventory Status and the Audit Costs button on the...
  8. Correct Vendor Prepay Balance across Fiscal Year End

    Current and prior year vendor prepay balances can be corrected in prior and current datasets as long as the current year dataset is still in fiscal month 1. Log into the current year and add a prepay A/P bill for the vendor whose balance is wrong...
  9. Charging for Seed Treatments

    Using the price rollup feature on an Invoice allows charging for a seed treatment and displays the Products that were used in the treatment but excludes the Product prices and quantities. To exclude the prices of the seed treatment Products, create...
  10. Changing IDs and/or Names

    The  Product Name and/or  Product ID may be edited at any time. The changes filter through the database so the history follows the changes and maintains the integrity of the data. A couple of things to note if changes are made: When running rep...