New Articles

  1. Changing IDs and/or Names

    The  Product Name and/or  Product ID may be edited at any time. The changes filter through the database so the history follows the changes and maintains the integrity of the data. A couple of things to note if changes are made: When running rep...
  2. Cash Flow Statement

    A Cash Flow statement shows the cash inflow from operations and financial investments as well as the cash outflow that pays for business activities and investments. The Cash Flow statement is found at Accounting Reports / General Ledger / Financial...
  3. Tracking Driver's License Numbers - Ammonium Nitrate

    It is sometimes necessary or desirable to track the driver’s license of customers who purchase Ammonium Nitrate. Use the following steps to do so in Agvance. Add a Technology Group by selecting Add Tech Group in the upper left corner of the Prod...
  4. Payroll Deduction Setup

    The following instructions should be used for setting up a payroll deduction and setting up and posting an annuity (401K) deduction. Setup General Ledger Add a new general ledger account at  Accounting / File / Open / G/L Accounts for the payrol...
  5. Replicate General Ledger Accounts

    This utility, found at Hub / Utilities / Admin Utilities / Accounting / Replicate GL Accounts , copies information (account type and generic parts of the ID) from existing G/L Accounts and creates new accounts with unique IDs that are user-specifie...
  6. Sell from Dept ID

    The Sell From Dept ID preference at Accounting / Setup / Location Preferences on the Delivery Ticket tab allows the option to easily change the Inventory Department that a Blend or Delivery Ticket line item is pulling from without having to de...
  7. Adding New Product and Deleting Old

    Edit the Product Set at Blending / Setup / Product Sets , and, in the Product grid, uncheck the Active checkbox for the old Product. When formulating Blend Tickets, inactive Products are not considered in the formulation. If this Pr...
  8. Customer Credits Report

    The Customer Credits report, found at Accounting / Accounting Reports / Accounts Receivable / A/R Status , displays Customers with open Credit Invoices on the Customer’s account. For Customers with Credit Invoices, the UAC  and Regular  balance...
  9. Using Credit Statuses

    Credit Statuses are a valuable tool which, when put into effect, can help manage special credit situations. It also provides the ability to monitor Credit Status Overrides with the Credit Override Log report. Setup Credit Statuses are set up in H...
  10. Statement of Operations

    A statement of operations summarizes an organization's financial operations during a specified period. This report shows income and expenses as well as payment of earnings and additions to reserves. The Statement of Operations in Agvance is found at...