To change the raw materials on a manufactured product that is set to affect inventory at billing time, it is recommended to add a brand new product and include the new formula. Using this method affects inventory correctly if any Invoice that used ...
This utility Grain Scale Interface / Operations / Review and Transfer Scale Tickets was designed to be able to review, update, and transfer Scale Tickets to the Grain module. Scale Tickets with the following statuses display: Not Posted , Not In...
Purpose This dashboard returns a list of inventory adjustments based on filters selected. Details Filter by Cost Selection , Fiscal Year , Start Date , End Date , Department Selection , Department Type Selection , Product Classification...
Easily verify or add GLN information associated with a Customer or manufacturer. Navigate to Accounting / File Folder / Customers , locate the Customer, and select Edit . Choose Attributes to determine if the GLN i...
Create an export file of Customers and/or Contracts to import into Energy Force.
Go to Energy / Transfers / Exports / Energy Force . Select criteria to export on the Export Energy Force window.
Select the F...
Last Updated: 08/15/2024
in Knowledge Base Grain
Q. Is there a way to change the Billing Splits on an unloaded Blend Ticket before the ticket gets billed? A. There are multiple ways to change Billing Splits on unloaded Blend Tickets. Change the split on the ticket by selecting Edit / Comb...
Follow the instructions below to link Customers to SKY Mapping.
Navigate to Hub / Setup / Company Preferences .
On the API tab, go to the Mapping Interface tab then choose Select .
On the Select Customers window, the Fil...
Last Updated: 10/25/2024
in Education Agvance Micros
Learn how to record a refund check from a Vendor in Agvance Accounting. ...