Blend Ticket On Hold Status for Dispatch

Q.  When adding and saving new Blend Tickets in Agvance Blending, they immediately display in the Dispatch Agronomy Work Orders window. However, there are times when the Blend Ticket needs to be created but does not need to be added to the list of jobs to be completed in Dispatch, as the grower may not be ready. Is there a way to exclude Blend Tickets from displaying in the Agronomy Work Orders window until a salesperson is ready for the job to be dispatched?

A.  The Status of a Blend Ticket may be set to On Hold or Ready on the Blend tab of an Agvance Blend Ticket. This status is then used to display Blend Tickets on the Dispatch Agronomy Work Orders window. This Status defaults to Ready, but, when switched to On Hold, it will load into the Dispatch Agronomy Work Orders window with the corresponding Status.

The Status is only available in the Add mode of the Blend Ticket. To change the Status to Ready and let the dispatcher know to schedule the job, navigate to the Blending / Utilities / Dispatch Job Status window. Optionally, use the filter to find the appropriate Blend Ticket, and when found, highlight the ticket, and select the Set Ready button. 

After the Status is changed, the Blend Ticket displays in the Dispatch Agronomy Work Orders window when it is refreshed.