Advanced Deduction tied to a Grain Settlement Contract


Designate specific Advanced deductions to be tied to Grain Settlement Contracts.


In Agvance Grain / Setup / Settlement Deduction select Add or Edit.  On the Add/Edit a Settlement Deduction window when the Class of Deduction is set to Advance Code an option to Allow this "Advance" deduction to be tied to a Contract displays.  Select and Save.

To add Advance:

1. Go to Grain / Operations / Settlements and on the Select a Settlement screen, click Add.
2. Select the settlement contract to apply against.
3. Set the selected Units to 0 and click Done.
4. On the Add a Settlement screen, in the source grid set To DPR to Priced.
5. Click the Apply to Destination button.
6. In deduction grid, double-click on Ded/Add column header and select Advance Deduction.  Enter the advance amount and in the D/A column select A.
7. Click the Apply Deductions button.
8. Save the settlement.