Edit to Actual Scale

The Edit to Actual Scale function is designed for the companies who re-weigh trucks after loading a job. This function can be accessed by editing the Blend Ticket then choosing Edit to Actual at the bottom of the screen or from the Edit to Actual Scale shortcut icon.

  • Enter actual scale weights – Fill in the actual weight of each batch in the upper grid (or the total weight of all batches) and select Apply. The Total Net Weight (Actual) is compared to the total pounds on the original ticket, which is adjusted.
    Note: If the original ticket was blended to Tons (or Tonnes), the Quantity (target tons) on the General tab is adjusted based on the new weight. This should keep the pounds/unit close to the original request.
  • Product Grid – The difference between the total old weight and the total new weight is prorated across the Products if the Prorate option is checked. Analysis Products default with the Prorate option selected. If unchecked, the guaranteed analysis is recalculated.
  • Scale – The Scale option indicates if the weight of the item should be considered. This would be used if fertilizer was loaded into the truck, weighed, then chemicals were added to the mix. In this case, uncheck Scale for the chemical and select Apply.
    Note: An example of using the Scale option is when fertilizer is impregnated with chemicals by adding the chemicals after weighing the truckload of fertilizer.

Posting Notes 

  • Edit to Actual sums the weight of all the products to get the total weight of the load. Subtracting the weights of the non-analysis items (chemicals, seed, etc.) leaves a subtotal of all the products involved in the formulated analysis. The program prorates the quantities of all Products with a checkmark in the Prorate column based on their percentage of the subtotal.
    Note: Services such as spreading and blend fee items should have a unit weight of zero.
  • Unchecking the non-analysis Products in the Scale column of the grid allows the weight to include only the fertilizer items. Blend Fee items not rated by the acre are adjusted to meet the total of the blend divided by the number of acres as their rate per acre.


The original ticket printed as:

ProductLbs of ProductSubtotals
Potash4500Analysis 6750#
Dual315Total Load = 7065#

For this example, if the actual weight of the load after reweighing is 7215 lbs, an extra 150 lbs must be prorated over the Products involved in the analysis.

The new subtotal of the Products in the analysis is 6900 lbs and is calculated as: 7215 – 315 (original chemical weight) = 6900.

The new weight of each fertilizer Product is calculated as: Old weight + (Old weight/Old Analysis sub-total *(amount of the change)). The original chemical weight is unaltered as well as any item that does not contribute to the analysis of the blend. The blend fee items are adjusted to match the total of the analysis Products. In this case, it would be adjusted from 6750 to 6900 lbs.

ProductCalculation of New Prorated Weight
Dap2250 + ((2250/6750) x 150) = 2250 + 50 = 2300 Lbs
Potash4500 + ((4500/6750) x 150) = 4500 + 100 = 4600 Lbs

In addition to prorating the new weight to the appropriate Products, the Edit to Actual function also marks the Blend Ticket as Loaded and affects the Amount on Hand of each Product by the quantity of the edited ticket.