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  1. Technology License Setup

    Technology licenses are assigned to customers who purchase a license to buy proprietary product from a vendor. Most commonly, seed companies with a certain proprietary type of seed will license their product. These vendors are set up as Technology G...
  2. Pay Vendor with a Credit Card

    Some vendors require payments to be made with a credit card. The following provides instructions on how to update inventory for one vendor and have a bill for another. A Purchase Invoice should already be entered using normal purchasing processes (...
  3. Future Journal Entries

    Journal Entries made into the future will not affect the General Journal, account balances, or, in the case of a Vendor A/P type entry, the Vendor balance upon being saved. Instead, the entry is saved into a Future Journal and held until the fisca...
  4. Paper

    Available quantities: 2,500, 5,000, 7,500, 10,000 or 20,000. For pricing information, please call SSI at 800-752-7912. See here to place an order. View the Finishing Touches page to see collation choices. Quick Ticket Paper This 8.5” x...
  5. Post Inventory to G/L vs. Merchandise Inventory

    Use the following options to determine if the company is posting inventory to the G/L or through merchandise inventory. Navigate to the  Grain / Setup / Preferences / Posting tab. If the  Do you post inventory to GL monthly?  optio...
  6. Export Customer List

    Companies using CompuWeigh or OneWeigh can export Agvance customers into the program. This allows customer information to match CompuWeigh and OneWeigh with Agvance. This export can include the following customer information: Customer Names I...
  7. Map - Inform

    The Map view displays field boundaries for the job. Fields can also be marked with the appropriate crop technology to help battle misapplication and drift issues by selecting the Blue Chemistry Beaker icon found in the lower right-hand side ...
  8. Eleview Export/Import

    The Eleview Export and Import feature generates a file which is saved to a designated folder and can be sent to Eleview for review. The file will be processed, and a results file will be created showing all the records sent as well as any errors ide...
  9. Batch Settlements Deferred/Installment Sales

    The Batch Settle feature, located at Grain / Operations / Batch Settle , is designed to settle large numbers of Deferred Payment/Installment Sale contracts at one time. If multiple transactions exist for the same commodity, even at differen...
  10. Zone Soil Sampling

    Select Grower/Field                                                           Choose the ver...