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  1. Profit Margin Departments

    Profit Margin Departments force preset sales margins by saving a calculated cost when invoicing rather than the cost found at the Product level. Profit Margin Departments are typically used for non-inventoried Products (like parts) which are not pra...
  2. Manage Credit Actions

    Credit Actions can be accessed at A/R / Manage Credit Actions or through the Credit tab on the customer file. The Credit Actions area is like a tickler file. It can be used for collection purposes, such as entering payment promises, or it coul...
  3. Unfulfilled Booking Dashboard

    This dashboard honors user restrictions based on Department location. Purpose The Unfulfilled Booking dashboard displays the Amount on Booking , Loaded and Unloaded Delivery Ticket quantities for each product imported from a Booking, then ...
  4. Template Journal Entries (Recurring)

    A Template Journal Entry is useful for repetitive General Journal Entries where the Account IDs are the same, but the dollar amount changes each time. Month end accrual entries are an example of where this process might be useful. The following pro...
  5. API 7.0.25540 | 05.14.2024

    FTM-3690 / Make Journal Entry APIs Public – The Journal Entry endpoints are now visible in the public help file. FTM-3774 / Delete Futures Month Record from FM Pricing Grid  – DELETE Futures Month Record was added to the Le...
  6.  Agvance Data Link

    The Agvance Data Link option, found at Hub / Transfers / Import / Agvance Data Link , provides a database of product information that may be used to populate the required data fields, other data fields, and update some existing data fields in Agvan...
  7.  Importing a Spreadsheet into the Budget Utility

    Entering numbers into the budget can be a very tedious process. Agvance offers options to import from an Excel or delimited file format into the Budget Utility screen. This video shows how quickly the budget numbers can be updated using the import...
  8. Booking Payment Methods

    Booking Payment Methods can be set up at  Setup / A/R / Booking Payment Methods . These Booking Payment Methods can be selected from the  Planned Booking Payment Method drop-down on the Add Booking  window to note how the C...
  9. Custom Tags Tab in Company Settings - SKY Dispatch

    Company Settings Tags can be used to identify custom groups on Blend and Delivery Tickets. Tags added in SKY will not appear in Windows Agvance. Select + Add Blend Tag or + Add Delivery Tag to add Custom Tags. Once added to a job, the...
  10. Customer Price Lookup

    This utility provides easy access to pricing history for customers and products. It also gives the discountable (effective) unit price which is useful for pricing product returns. This information may also be displayed when adding a customer Invoice...