Popular Articles

  1. Updating Chemical Database Products

    Chemical Database Product information can be easily updated in Agvance manually or by using the Agvance Agent tool. This utility incorporates the Save Sets / Load Sets functionality found on several reports in Agvance. Note: Agvance Agent can o...
  2. Link SKY Mapping Products to Agvance Products

    SKY Mapping products can be linked to Agvance products in the Hub. Navigate to the product to link in Agvance and choose Edit . Double-click in the <Agvance SKY Mapping Product Name> field on the Mapping Recs tab. If the Agvance pro...
  3. Printing Labels for Active Customers Only

    On the report screen at Hub / Reports / Customer Reports or Accounting / Accounting Reports / A/R / Customers , choose Select  by Select Customers .  After setting Include  to Active  customers, select Tag All . Labels w...
  4. Import Field Plans or Sales Orders

    Field Plans created in the Agvance Planning module or Sales Orders created in the Planning module, Agvance Sales module, or Order app may be imported into Bookings. This process maintains any quoted prices that were set at the Field planning stage. ...
  5. Adding a New Customer - SKY Mapping

    When adding a new Customer to SKY Mapping, the Customer must first reside in the Agvance Hub with an address. If the Customer being added to SKY Mapping does not exist in the Agvance Hub, they must be added there so they can be chosen from the popul...
  6.  Grower Orders

    Create a Grower Order, Booking, and Purchase Order in one transaction. At Accounting / Inventory / Manage Seed Orders / Grower Order , select Reports to group open orders by Vendor and Location with an option to Exclude Zero Requested Quantit...
  7. Using Control Numbers on Invoices

    Hand ticket numbers may be entered as Control Numbers on the Additional Info tab at invoicing.  Control numbers can then be used to sort invoices and also be displayed on customer statements. The following information should be reviewed a...
  8. Plans - SKY Customer Updated

    In Agvance, Plans are used to generate nutrient recommendations, to create Field Plans using specific products, rates and prices or to create a quick Sales Order by Customer or Field. Overview A listing of all Plans for the selected customer i...
  9. Using Seller Signatures with a Purchase Contract

    To capture and add Seller Signatures to Purchase Contracts, access to Grower360 is required and a Buyer Signature must already be applied to the Purchase Contract. For information on using Buyer Signatures on Purchase Contracts, please reference ...
  10. Supplier eLink for Crop Protection eLearning

    This course describes features available with Agvance Supplier eLink that relate to Crop Protection Products. Start Course ...