My SKY Account


Signature in SKY
A signature can be set up by selecting the User drop-down and choosing My SKY Account . Select Add Signature to draw a signature using either a mouse or finger. Choose Save when done. The signature will display on the Signatur...
Multi-Factor Authentication
Multi-Factor Authentication can be set up by selecting the User drop-down and choosing My SKY Account . Setup Select Edit to set up Multi Factor Authentication in SKY. Select + Add Multi Factor Method . Choose an authentication met...
SKY Notifications
Subscriptions can be found by selecting the User drop-down and choosing My SKY Account then choosing Manage on the Subscriptions card. Select the Subscribe to All checkbox when subscribing to receive every Notification or Task of that type...
SKY Password Reset
For lost or forgotten passwords in SKY,  go to and select Forgot your password? The Forgot your password? window will appear.  Enter the  Username below and select Reset my password . A code will be sent to the email us...