Business Influence Setup

Business Influences may be set up to link Customers in the Accounting and CRM modules. Additionally, the Customer Gap Analysis report in the CRM module may be used to view linked Customers in a group.

In the Accounting module, add a Business Influence Type by navigating to Setup / Business Influence Types and selecting Add.

On the Add A Business Influence Type window, enter the name of the Business Influence Type in the Description textbox, and choose Save and then Cancel to exit out of the window.

Edit the Customer for whom the Business Influence is being added at File / Open / Customers. Select the Influences button.

The Customer Business Influence window displays. Select the correct Description, and then add Customers to the Business Influence by double-clicking on the Customer ID column heading.

After all the necessary Customers have been added, select Save then Done. Choose Save on the Edit a Customer window.

In the CRM module, select the Control Panel menu, choose the Customer, then go to the CRM Reports tab. On the Customer Gap Analysis report, select the necessary Invoice and/or Grain Report Criteria. Choose a Business Influence from the drop-down menu, and select Apply. A Business Influence column displays in the grid and can be sorted to view all linked Customers in a group.