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  1. Accounts - Ledger

    Account information displayed in Ledger adheres to GL Category and Profit Center Restrictions established in Agvance Accounting. If anticipated account information does not display, check with the Agvance Administrator to ensure proper user settings...
  2. SKY Password Reset

    For lost or forgotten passwords in SKY,  go to sky.agvance.net and select Forgot your password? The Forgot your password? window will appear.  Enter the  Username below and select Reset my password . A code will be sent to the email us...
  3. Printing is Suddenly Too Dark

    Q.  Anything printing out of a certain printer is very dark and hard to read, but documents printed to another printer come out fine. A.  Print a Printer Test Page by going to Start / Settings / Printers or Start / Printers and Faxes . Right cli...
  4. AP Bills in SKY Vendor

    Overview View a listing of AP Bills from Agvance data. Bills displayed will adhere to the Vendor Restrictions from Agvance. In SKY Admin, the Vendor toggle can be turned on or off for each SKY user to allow or deny access to the SKY V...
  5. Scale Ticket Formats for Agvance Scale Interface

    Following are samples of the Scale Ticket formats that can be used with the Agvance Scale Interface. SASI-Short SASI-Detail SASI-Full SASI-FP 2Up SASI-California The SASI style was designed to print on preprinted ticket forms that ...
  6. SKY Mapping Videos

  7. Digi One SP - Serial to IP Device Setup

    The Digi One SP can be used in an Agvance Hosted environment using the Device-initiated RealPort option and can connect to a DNS Name or an IP Address. The Device Webpage and the Quick Start Guide are available as resources for the Digi On...
  8. Dispatch Management - SKY Admin

    Integrations Setup Select the Edit icon to enter a DriftWatch API Key to display sensitive crop information alongside field boundaries on maps in SKY Dispatch and Apply.  Additionally, a Navman Username and Navman Password can be entered t...
  9. Available Grain Scale Ticket Formats

    The Grain Scale Interface has several format options available but can be split into two groups, those that are compatible with 40 character printers and other formats. 40 Character B Short 2 (40 Character) B Short 3 (40 ...
  10.  Voiding and Reversing Delivery Tickets

    Voiding Only unprocessed or not loaded Delivery Tickets may be voided from Inventory / Delivery Tickets by using Void . If a ticket is processed, the Invoice could be voided to re-open the Delivery Ticket, and then the Delivery Ticket co...