Popular Articles

  1. Credit Checking

    Populating the Date Opened field on the Credit tab of the Customer file activates the Credit Checking feature for the customer. This must also be set for the Hold Credit Status to work, as well as for the % of Limit and credit checking b...
  2. Using Buyer Signatures with a Purchase Contract

    To capture and add Buyer Signatures to Purchase Contracts, access to Agvance SKY is required. For information on adding Seller Signatures to Purchase Contracts, please see the following article - Using Seller Signatures with a Purchase Contract . ...
  3. SKY Mapping Premium - Educational Pathway

    Scroll through or select from the TOC to jump to specific areas. SKY Mapping Videos Mapping Menu Action Menu Creating Import Templates Adding New Fields Importing Field Boundaries Adding New Customers ...
  4.  Voiding a Purchase Invoice

    Purchase Invoices may be voided regardless of whether the bill created by the Purchase Invoice is paid or unpaid. Voiding a Purchase Invoice creates an exact opposite of the original Purchase Invoice, therefore affecting the general ledger an...
  5. Grower360 Bookings

    Prepaid and unpaid product Bookings can be viewed from the Bookings menu. Select Expand All to view details for everything listed below on either the Bookings or Booked Products tabs. Choosing Export sends details of the selected tab to...
  6. Scale Ticket Level Management - Grain Scale Ticket

    In Grain, there are two models of operation: the Standard model where Scale Tickets are directly associated to the Assembly, and Scale Ticket Level Management where Scale Tickets have an independent relationship to the Assembly. Setup for these two ...
  7. Tools - Warehouse

    Indicate favorite products, customers and locations by selecting Tools in the Warehouse app. Selecting Container Activity navigates to the Contain app where refillable container activity is recorded. Favorite Products Create a list of Fa...
  8. Unprocessed Purchase Receipt Valuation Report

    There are specific rules set up to determine how a Purchase Receipt is valued in Agvance. The Unprocessed Purchase Receipt Valuation report found at Accounting Reports / Inventory / Purchase will display this value. If the Product is in an Esti...
  9. Outbound - Warehouse

    Overview Tap Outbound to access Delivery Tickets. If any tickets are assigned to the user, a visual indicator on the Outbound option displays the number of tickets assigned. Selecting the All Unloaded Tickets options displays all unloaded ...
  10. Partial Prepay to Vendor

    Sometimes a partial payment is paid to a vendor to lock in a specific price for product that will be purchased at a later date. An example of this might be prepaying $0.05 per gallon for Propane to the vendor which locks in an actual product cost of...