SKY Vendor

Manage vendor bills and payments.


 AP Payments - SKY Vendor
Overview View a listing of AP Payments from Agvance data. Payments displayed will adhere to the Vendor Restrictions from Agvance. In SKY Admin, the Vendor toggle can be turned on or off for each SKY user to allow or deny access to the SKY...
 AP Purchase Orders - SKY Vendor
Overview AP Purchase Orders are available in the left navigation. Search for specific AP Purchase Orders by Vendor Name , Vendor ID , PO # , PO Date , and Status .  Select the Eye button to view additional details. The Ellipsis ca...
Vendors - SKY Vendor
Overview A listing of all Vendors is available in SKY Vendor. The list can be narrowed down by selecting the Filter icon and specifying the Vendor Status and/or Vendor Locations . Vendors can be added or edited by those with the Add/Edit Ve...