AP Bills In Approval Process - SKY Vendor

The In Approval Process tab lists A/P Bills in the approval process. Bills awaiting approval or those that have been approved but not yet reviewed and posted will display here. Select the Expand icon to view additional details.

In the Approval Details area, after selecting to expand, the Last Reminder Sent shows when the Approver was last sent a reminder the Bill was awaiting approval. Remind can be selected to manually send a reminder. A SKY notification and email will be sent. 

Note: The In Approval Process tab is only available for those with the Add/Edit AP Bills permission enabled in SKY Admin.

The Ellipsis gives the options of editing or deleting the Bill. 

Note: When editing, the only change that will require the Bill to go through the Approval process again is updating the dollar amount.

Select the Vendor Name to review additional details regarding the Bill. The Ellipsis is also available here to Edit or Delete the Bill. The Search field can be used to find specific line items from the Bill.