Last Updated: 08/10/2023
in Knowledge Base Grower360
Attachments and Documents made visible to Grower360 from SKY Customer are available on the Resources tab. The Grower Summary report from Agvance can also be sent to the Resources area in Grower360. For details on sending this report from Agvanc...
It is common for a tenant to pick up Product for several farms not knowing then how the Product will be distributed. Later, the tenant advises how the billing should be handled. At that time, the Inventory / Combine/Split Delivery Tickets feature ...
Purchase Invoices may be voided regardless of whether the bill created by the Purchase Invoice is paid or unpaid. Voiding a Purchase Invoice creates an exact opposite of the original Purchase Invoice, therefore affecting the general ledger an...
This area is used to create a file to export the ACH settlement checks for Grain which have not been exported. When processing Grain ACH payments, an ACH file in the format set up at Accounting / Preferences will be produced. This is found at A...
Last Updated: 10/18/2024
in Knowledge Base
A Classification is a label that can be found on master files and other areas including Customers, Products, Vendors, GL Accounts, Tanks, Fields, and more. These Classifications give the ability to filter lists and reports based on whether or not ...
Within Agvance Grain, the Settlement process moves grain and dollars from one source to another destination. Those sources might be any number of transactions like Open Storage Scale Ticket, Grain Bank Assembly, or even a Warehouse Receipt Settlemen...
Prepaid and unpaid product Bookings can be viewed from the Bookings menu. Select Expand All to view details for everything listed below on either the Bookings or Booked Products tabs. Choosing Export sends details of the selected tab to a ...
Set up criteria for Account Reports at SKY Admin / Grower360 / Finance and Reports .
Volume Statement
Note: Agvance Version must be at least 6.0.18420.
Turn on the Volume Statement report and set the report criteria.
There are specific rules set up to determine how a Purchase Receipt is valued in Agvance. The Unprocessed Purchase Receipt Valuation report found at Accounting Reports / Inventory / Purchase will display this value. If the Product is in an Esti...