Fields, Tanks, ...

This provides tabs to view Farms, Fields, Ship To information, and Tanks. Plans, Blends, and Work Orders can also be started from this page.


Farms - SKY Customer
The Farms associated with the selected customer display as individual cards which include a Description and any Billing Splits established with the Farm. If a map has been added to the Farm, it is displayed. Select the map to expand the card an...
Fields - SKY Customer
Overview Fields can be viewed as cards or as a grid similar to an Excel spreadsheet. Select the icons at the top to switch between the two options. Use Search Fields to search by Field ID , Description , or Farm ID . Options under ...
Ship To
Ship To addresses associated with the selected Customer display in a card view. The information includes up to three addresses and the City/State/Zip. With the card expanded, additional information including Sales/Permits , Geo Location , and Cr...
Tanks - SKY Customer
Tank information is displayed with the option to search for tanks by Tank Name or Product . If Tank Monitor Readings are being recorded within Agvance, those values will display in the Est Tank Percentage  area. Current weather conditi...