Popular Articles

  1. Send Statements to Grower360

    Statements and Combo Statements may be sent to a Grower360 library from either live data or a play database. CRM or Grower360 is not required to send statements to the Grower360 library. By performing the necessary setup to send statements to this l...
  2. Generating Blend Tickets

    Generating the Blend Ticket is done on-screen by filling in the required information. Some types of information like nutrient recommendations and Field Plans may be imported from other Agvance modules. This is helpful, but not required, for the Blen...
  3. Generic Prepaid Bookings

    There are 2 ways to create generic Bookings in Agvance: Create a generic prepay product in a miscellaneous inventory department. Use this product on a Booking, entering the dollars to be received in the Quantity  column and $1.00 as the Unit Pri...
  4. View Only in SKY Dispatch

    Users set to View Only for Dispatch in SKY Admin can view jobs in List View and Schedules view, change Layers, etc. However, this prevents things like assigning or unassigning jobs, updating ticket details, reassigning jobs, etc. Vie...
  5.  Maximum/Average Daily Inventory Report

                          The Maximum / Average Daily Inventory report is used as an aid for completing the Sara Tier II report form. This report is found at Accounting Reports / Inventory / Maximum Average Daily Inventory and...
  6. Fields - SKY Customer

    Overview Fields can be viewed as cards or as a grid similar to an Excel spreadsheet. Select the icons at the top to switch between the two options. Use Search Fields to search by Field ID , Description , or Farm ID . ...
  7. Adding New Product and Deleting Old

    Edit the Product Set at Blending / Setup / Product Sets , and, in the Product grid, uncheck the Active checkbox for the old Product. When formulating Blend Tickets, inactive Products are not considered in the formulation. If this Pr...
  8. Prepay and Bookings FAQs

    Q.  I created a booking by analysis and when I printed the document, it is not printing the analysis. A.  In this case, the Dry Fertilizer department was selected as a hidden blend fee department. When you have a department set as a hidden blen...
  9.  Using Grids in Agvance SKY

      Multiple areas utilize a grid that works much like an Excel sheet to display information. Pin – Select the Pin button to choose columns to remain frozen when scrolling horizontally. Hide – The Hide butt...
  10.  Grower360 Grain - SKY Admin

    Manage Grain reports and Cash Bid setup at SKY Admin / Grower360 / Operations . Decimal Accuracy Select the Pencil icon on Display Bid Prices under Display Settings to choose the decimal accuracy of bid prices displayed in ...