Imports List

There are a few options for importing activity from other applications into SSI.

Vertical Ascii Files

See here for more information on the Vertical Ascii Files import.

Invoice ASCII Files

Create Agvance Invoices from transactions brought in using this file format. Contact SSI Support for the format layout.


This optional add-on module will import transactions from selected C-Store programs to create Agvance Invoices.

Journal Entries

Import the AdjJourn.xml file created at Transfers / Export / Journal Entries. Indicate the path to the file as well as the fiscal period for the import.


This optional add-on module imports from a specific software company’s C-Store software. Contact SSI for more information if this is something of interest.

Gasboy CFN

This optional, add-on module imports sales and creates customer Invoices from transactions created by the CFN3 Gasboy till.

Note: This should be discussed with SSI Technical Support to make sure the version and software of the till are compatible with this interface.

Feed Mill Sales

There are two different optional add-on modules that work with the FMS Feed software product. One option imports feed orders made in FMS into Agvance as Delivery Tickets which can then be invoiced to the customer. This module does not affect the Agvance Grain package in any way.

For Agvance Grain users who require interaction with DPR and/or Grain Bank tracking, there is an additional module to be considered. An Agvance sales representative could discuss the licensing fees associated with either of these modules.

Feed Mill Purchases

This optional, add-on module imports purchases from Feed Mill Management Systems to create Purchase Receipts in Agvance.

Product List

This import is part of the Supplier Web Service Integration and allows importing Product Attributes from certain suppliers' web services.


The eCotton Interface is an import of accounts receivable activity from eCotton software. This is a Windows software package for managing cotton gins. Information is exported from eCotton and imported into Agvance which creates customer transactions for Invoices and Payments. Activity comes into Agvance as line items on an Invoice. The line items can be positive or negative, depending on the nature of the transaction. At the Payment on Account screen, a check can be written to the customer if a credit balance exists.

This feature has functional spec and is available in post 4.3 versions. It is licensed at $2500 and has an annual maintenance fee.

For more information, contact SSI.

Fixed Assets CS

Those using the Fixed Assets CS program may benefit from this module that imports Journal Entries created by the Fixed Assets CS program. If this is something of interest, contact SSI for more information.

On the Import Fixed Assets CS screen, Browse and select the file to import. This file is created in the Creative Solutions program. Select the month in which to post the journal. The import creates one Journal Entry for the line items listed in the file. Once Import is selected, the Journal Entry will import and the Import Fixed Assets CS window will disappear. The Journal Entry may be edited for review.

Gilbarco Passport Invoices

This interface creates Agvance customer Invoices from Passport C-store transactions and reads in the point of sale transactions. For more information, contact SSI.

FleetCor CFN

This interface imports fuel sales from Commercial Fueling Network which is part of FleetCor. For more information, see here and contact SSI.


Convenience stores purchasing from Henry’s may benefit from this additional purchase module. It allows purchases to be imported into Purchase Invoices, saving time and the hassle of selecting the correct Product since most convenience store purchases have many different items. For additional information, contact SSI.


This optional, add-on module imports sales to create customer Invoices from transactions created by the Pinnacle system for c-stores. For more information, contact SSI.

Electronic Price Sheet

Supplier eLink users are able to import the price sheet supplied from Bayer, Corteva, and Winfield. For more information on how to set up or use this import, contact SSI Support.

United Hardware

This import allows an EFM file to be electronically retrieved from the United Hardware bulletin board system. This is an additional purchase module. For more information, contact SSI.

Epicor Eagle

This optional, add-on module imports data from Epicor Eagle into Accounting. This is an additional purchase module. For more information, contact SSI.


When importing Domestic Transactions through the Voyager interface, applicable Bookings, Exemptions, and Discounts are utilized on Invoices created. See here for more information.

This is an additional purchase module. For more information, contact SSI.