

Adding New Product and Deleting Old
Edit the Product Set at  Blending / Setup / Product Sets , and in the product grid, uncheck the Active  checkbox for the old product.  When formulating Blend Tickets, inactive products are not considered in the formulation. If th...
Generating Blend Tickets
Generating the Blend Ticket is done on-screen by filling in the required information. Some types of information like nutrient recommendations and Field Plans may be imported from other Agvance modules. This is helpful, but not required, for the Blen...
Least Cost Formulation
Least cost formulation uses a search algorithm to examine all available combinations of products in the selected Product Set to find the least expensive mix that meets all the specific and implied restrictions. Least cost formulation finds product c...
Formulate to Analysis
Formulating to analysis is the quickest way to generate a blend. The analysis requested is entered in such as ‘160-70-70-5S.’ The Blending program formulates products to meet the nutrient goal based on the selected Product Set. The anal...
Utilizing a Field Plan
Preseason Field Plans created in Agvance Planning may be imported directly into Blending. Agvance Planning is very similar to Blending, except it does not generate Blend Tickets. Plans are specific as to customers, fields, products, rates, and price...
 Direct Request
Sometimes products are directly requested when a blend operator or customer wants to target a certain amount of product per acre for application or customer ‘load out.’ To make a direct request, bypass the formulation step and ente...
Edit to Actual Products Loaded
While the Blend Ticket represents the amount of product planned for a batch or load, the actual result is usually over or under the ticket amount. This difference can affect the accuracy of inventory, the customer invoice, and profit reports. Edit ...
Hidden Blend Fees
When blending by Guaranteed Analysis it is possible to set up Hidden Blend Fees in Agvance Blending that will not show up as line items when the customer is invoiced. The price of these fees will add to the price of the analysis line item, but the f...
Blending Startup Procedures for Agvance
Before using the Agvance Blending module, use the following guide to set up the data appropriately. Add Inventory Departments. To blend in Agvance, a minimum of three new departments - Fertilizer, Pesticides, and Services - must be added. It...
Blending User Guide
The Agvance Blending module is a full-featured formulation program that creates Dry or Liquid Fertilizer, Chemical, Suspension, and Feed blends. The information contained within this document may not reflect recently added features. Blending_Manua...