New Articles

  1. Product Synchronization

    Setup The use of the Product Master Replication process in Agvance requires a Product Master location be specified in the database. This is done at Hub / Setup / Locations or Accounting / Setup / Locations on the Profile tab. Select the L...
  2. Credit Statuses

    There are five pre-defined statuses at Hub / Setup / Credit Statuses that may be assigned to customers: Excellent , Good , Fair , Poor , and Hold . Add, edit, or delete additional Credit Statuses on this window. The Hold status requires a ...
  3. Mapping Preferences - Hub

    This area at Hub / Setup / Mapping Preferences allows non-Mapping users to set preferences for options related to viewing maps outside of Mapping. Background Road Folder – Use the Browse icon to choose which folder is the background road ...
  4. Location Preferences

    Select the Location for the preferences to display or edit. User Defined Soil Test Heading – There is one user-definable test result available at the soil test tab in the field file. A two-character heading for that result may be se...
  5. Company Preferences

    General Login Using Windows User – This logs users into Agvance automatically based on their Windows login account. Once this option is checked, the Windows Login ID field must be filled out for users at Hub / Setup / Use...
  6. Vehicles

    Optionally enter vehicles to be entered on various jobs throughout the program. ID – Enter up to 10 characters to uniquely identify each Vehicle. Vehicle Type – Selecting the Arrow displays the various types used in the past (such as Te...
  7. Applicators

    Used to maintain information about custom applicators, this area at Hub / Setup / Applicators is optional but gives the ability to indicate the driver on a particular job. Reports may be run on applicators listing those whose selected dates have ...
  8. Sales Staff

    Sales staff may optionally be set up and then assigned to specific Customers or transactions. ID – Enter up to 15 characters to designate this Salesperson. Inactive – Select this option if the Salesperson is no longer active. First Name/...
  9. Locations

    In Agvance Accounting, track inventory and accounts receivable by plant location. Define those Locations at Hub / Setup / Locations . When setting up Inventory Departments, denote the Location (therefore there may be multiple Chemical Departments, ...
  10. Company Information

    The Company Information screen at Hub / Setup / Company is used for report headings to identify the company. This password-protected area is set up based on the company information supplied on the software order form. If for any reason it needs ...