New Articles

  1. Payment Terms

    Several different options may be used in Agvance for setting payment terms and discounts in the Planning, Blending, and Accounting modules. Discounts may be defined as flat percentages, dollar amounts for different volume levels or as graduated ta...
  2. Soil Type

    Optionally create a database of regional soil types indicating their characteristics at Hub / Setup / Soil Types . At a minimum, enter the name of the soil type which is then available for selection at the Field Profile window. The soil character...
  3. Crop Maintenance

    Enter the crop information at the following screen. If using the nutrient recommendation section of the Agvance Planning module, enter the nutrient information. Otherwise, only the Crop Name and Units are necessary. Crop Name – Enter the ...
  4. Hub Setup

  5. Tax Forms

  6. Grain Scale Reports

    Grain Scale reports are found at Hub / Utilities / Agvance Grain Scale Interface / Reports / Pre-Transfer Reports . Inbound Scale Tickets This report shows Grade Factors and split information on the Scale Ticket before transferring the Scale Ti...
  7. Unmark Tickets as Transferred

    At Utilities / Unmark Tickets as Transferred , select Scale Tickets to be unmarked that were previously marked as being transferred but did not get transferred to the Agvance Grain module or from a stand-alone scale computer. Transferred Tick...
  8. Review and Transfer Scale Tickets

    This utility Grain Scale Interface / Operations / Review and Transfer Scale Tickets was designed to be able to review, update, and transfer Scale Tickets to the Grain module. Scale Tickets with the following statuses display: Not Posted , Not In...
  9. Purge Scale Tickets

    If a Scale Ticket has been transferred, it may be deleted out of the list of Scale Tickets at Grain Scale Interface / Operations / Purge Tickets . Purge All Transferred Tickets – Select to delete all Scale Tickets that have been transferred....
  10. Transfer Scale Tickets

    The transfer of Scale Tickets at Grain Scale Interface / Operations / Transfer Scale Tickets has three different features: Creating a file to transfer Scale Tickets Retrieving a transfer file Importing Scale Tickets directly into the Grain mod...