Monthly Summary DPR


The Monthly Summary DPR was added to meet the minimum requirements of the rules and regulations of the state of Iowa.  This format has been reviewed by warehouse staff at the Iowa Department of Ag and is acceptable for use by Iowa locations.  This DPR is designed to be printed at the end of the month and kept on file for review by Iowa grain examiners.  A more detailed DPR such as the Combined Daily Position Record should be used for daily use and saved to history so it will be available to examiners to review and see a more detailed breakdown of each day’s position if needed.


The Monthly Summary DPR is available at: Grain Reports / DPR History / Monthly Summary DPR.

Select the Commodity(s) and Location(s) to be included in the report as well as the Start Date and End Date range for the month desired. 

The following is a detailed description of each column in the report and what is included in each column:

Total Stock Column - reflects the increases, decreases, adjustments and ending balance for grain in approved storage space (a combination of grain in licensed elevator facilities plus re-deposited grain stored at other licensed grain warehouses, if any);  

Open Storage Column - reflects the increases, decreases and ending balance for customer owned grain that is not on negotiable or non-negotiable warehouse receipt (typically, grain in open storage plus grain bank that is not on a non-neg W/R, plus Credit Sale (PL) grain which is not yet on a Credit Sale (PL) contract that has been signed by both buyer and seller); 

Warehouse Receipted Column - reflects the increases, decreases and ending balance for grain that is on negotiable and/or non-negotiable warehouse receipt; 

Unpaid Company Owned Column  - reflects the increases, decreases and ending balance for grain on signed Credit Sale(PL) contract plus all grain settled to a status of Priced Not-Paid, Deferred Payment and Installment Sale for which final payment has not yet been made;

Paid Company Owned Column - reflects the increases, decreases and ending balance for grain in approved space (grain in licensed elevator facilities plus re-deposited grain)  for which the seller has been paid;

Total Company Owned Column - represents the total amount that is ‘unreceipted’ company owned grain that is stored in-elevator facilities and/or redeposited for storage at another licensed warehouse;

Total Obligation Column - is basically a cross check column and is the sum of the Open Storage, Warehouse Receipted, Unpaid Company Owned and Paid Company Owned Balance columns.  It should match the Total Stocks Balance column (May be off a couple bushels due to rounding of all numbers in this report to whole numbers.  This has been approved by the Iowa Dept of Ag.).

Example of a Monthly Summary DPR

Note:  Only the days that had a DPR saved to history are included in this report. If multiple DPRs were saved for a given date, the numbers listed in this report represent a compilation of all those DPRs’ activity.