Default Grade Factor Values

Q.  How do I set up default grade factor values to default as the grade factor result when adding scale tickets in the Grain module and when adding scale tickets in Grain Scale Interface (including during the import process if commodity is changed)? 

A.  In the Grain module, go to Setup/Commodities.  Select a commodity and for every grade factor that is set up for this commodity, optionally left-click in the Default Value field and enter a value that will automatically default when adding a scale ticket.  

Note: These default values can be overwritten during the ADD of the scale ticket.

When adding a scale ticket in Grain, as soon as an assembly is selected and the commodity is known, the default values that have been set for a grade factor will populate the appropriate Result field.  When adding a scale ticket in Scale Interface, as soon as an assembly or the commodity is selected, any default values that have been set up will populate the appropriate Result field.


(Adding a scale ticket in Grain module)

(Adding a scale ticket in Scale Interface)