New Articles

  1. Multiple Products Found on Select EDN Window

    When selecting EDNs for an Agvance transaction, some of the lines say (Multiple products found) in the Prod Name column. Multiple Products found indicates the Product exists in multiple Departments in the currently logged in Location...
  2. Product Cost Used on Sales Analysis and Sales Register

    These reports use the cost on the product at the time the Invoice was saved. It will either be the Invoice Cost, Average Cost, Last Cost, Replacement Cost, or Estimated Average Cost, depending on the cost setup on the Inventory Department for that...
  3. Customer Change Log Report

    The following items are currently written to the database and are available on a report called Customer Change Log found at Accounting Reports / Accounts Receivable / A/R Status : ***Customer Added ***Customer Address 1 ***Customer Address...
  4. Company Owned Value does not Match Asset Account Balance

    After posting Inventory to G/L, the Inventory Asset Account was updated to a number that doesn't match the Company Owned Inventory Statement for that Department. If that happens, check the following: Agvance uses the company-owned value of each...
  5. Calculate Available for Sale

    Calc Available for Sale is accessible in the following areas: Inventory Book Report Undelivered Booked Product Report Calc Available For Sale on Product Right-Click Inventory tab in Dashboard Calc Avail For Sale  at  Account...
  6. Cash in Bank Default Settings

    A Cash in Bank preference is available to give companies more flexibility in managing their deposits. This preference allows the Make a Deposit screen to default to an account other than the location's default checking account. To set up the C...
  7. Payments not Appearing on Bank Deposit Screen

    For payments not appearing on the Bank Deposit screen when adding a Bank Deposit at Accounting / G/L , use the following process. Select Add on the Bank Deposit window to add one or more manual line items to the grid. Enter a check number...
  8. Bank Deposit Entry should not be Posted

    The following outlines how to clear a line from the Bank Deposit window without affecting the General Ledger. It is recorded as an entry that can be reversed at the Select a Deposit  window. Tag the line item(s) under the Post column not to be ...
  9. Bank Deposit

  10. Calculation Of Discount On Partial Customer Payment

    Agvance calculates the discount as follows: (Amount to be paid less discount/ total due on the invoice less discount) * total amount of the discount Example 1 Customer has an invoice for $4,729.40 with a discount of $94.59 as displayed at the...