Account information displayed in Ledger adheres to GL Category and Profit Center Restrictions established in Agvance Accounting. If anticipated account information does not display, check with the Agvance Administrator to ensure proper user settings are enabled in Agvance.
When opening Ledger, a listing of all accounts displays. The Account ID, Total Debit and Total Credit for each account is listed. This information is filtered by Current Fiscal Year and the total debits and credits for all accounts are noted in the top gray bar.
Note: SKY User access for Ledger adheres to G/L and Profit Center rules established in Agvance.
The Debit column displays the total debit balance for all GL accounts. The Credit column displays the total credit balance for all GL accounts. The Debit and Credit columns should be the same.
Select the Filter button to filter the grid and totals by Fiscal Month or Date.
To export the list of accounts, select Export and open the link to the CSV file from the activity bar located at the bottom of the window.
Enter an account number or name in the Search bar to filter the list.
Selecting an account opens the Account Detail window. The Beginning Balance, total Debit, total Credit and ending Balance for the account are displayed in the top gray bar. The Balance reflects the total balance for the selected Fiscal Month or Date range.
Use the Search bar to filter the transaction grid by Vendor, Entry #, or Description.
The transaction grid displays Vendor, General, and Customer journal entries along with the Date, Fiscal Month, Ref/Check#, Debit, Credit, Balance and Description for each Journal Entry. The grid is sorted by most recent and the Balance column reflects how each transaction affected the account at the time of the transaction.
- Blue icons indicate a credit on the account.
- Red icons indicate a debit to the account.
Apply additional filters to the transaction grid by selecting the Filters icon. A navigation pane displays on the right side of the window with options to filter by Fiscal Month or Date. Filtering by Date allows for including prior year entries.
To export the Account Detail transactions, select Export and open the link to the CSV file from the activity bar located at the bottom of the window.
Choose the Ellipsis to Download KwikTag Docs, Edit Entry, or Reverse Entry. When editing an entry, optionally update the Entry Date, Ref/Check #, choose to Show Quantity, and add Comments and/or a JE Description.
Select the + Add Entry button after drilling into an account to enter a Journal Entry. For more information on this process, see here.
Note: A Company Admin will have to turn on this ability in SKY Admin per user.
View additional journal entry details by selecting the JE icon or the blue Entry #. Select the Download button next to the Ref/Check # to view or download the payment as a PDF.
The Journal Entry Details window provides detailed information about the transaction in the top gray bar.
The Transaction grid displays the Account ID, Account Name, Comments, Debit, Credit, and Quantity to easily identify the accounts affected by the transaction.