AP Bill Import

Navigate to Accounting / A/P / Add/Edit Bills.  On the Select an A/P Bill window select Add. Choose a Vendor and click Select.  On the Add a Bill window, select Import File.

On the Select Import File window select the Browse button and select the CSV file, inventory software, or another source to import.  Select Import.

Import one file at a time and the AP Bill will display on the screen for review.  Select Save.  Files are archived after importing to prevent unintentional duplicate imports.

Enable Import

The AP Bill import file must have 18 columns of information. If there is no data in that column, it still needs surrounded by quotation marks.

A CSV file from Enable imports into Agvance according to the following data mapping:

InumVendor invoice numberAP Bill Invoice Number
VendNumVendor interface IDAgvance Vendor ID
IdateInvoice DateAP Bill Invoice Date
AmountGL Account Amount$ amount for AP Bill line item
QuantityGL Account QuantityQuantity for AP Bill line item
GLAcctGL AccountGL account for AP bill line item
TermsReceipt Terms CodeAP payment terms ID in Agvance

Note:  Not all AP Bills will have a terms code.
Note:  If an AP Bill is to multiple GL accounts it displays as line items in the file with the same Inum/VendNum/Idate
Note:  A warning displays if a GL account, vendor ID or terms code in the file does not exist in Agvance.

Tips & Tricks for Ensuring the File is in the Correct Format:

When opening the CSV file in Notepad, use the Edit / Replace feature to replace consecutive commas with quotation marks and commas.

  • Find: ,
  • Replace with: ","

Another option is to add quotation marks around fields within Excel cells. Fill out the information without using quotation marks then use the below formula to manipulate what is in the source cell.

=CHAR(34) & A1 & CHAR(34)

This will put quotation marks around what is in cell A1, etc.