AP Bill List

The Bill List report found at Accounting / Accounting Reports / Accounts Payable provides a complete list of all AP Bills in the system, with the ability to filter by Vendor, and status such as Paid, Unpaid, or Both.

  • Select Vendors – The Bill List report defaults to All Vendors. To choose specific Vendors, use the Select button.
  • Vend. Class –  Vendors can be selected by Classifications. Information regarding Classifications can be found here.
  • Sort By – Report results can be sorted by Vendor ID, Vendor Name, Invoice Date, or Due Date.
  • Include – By default, the report is set to include Cash Need Analysis and G/L Recap. Optionally, check to include EFT Bills Only. These options can be checked/unchecked based on needs.
  • Paid – When selected, additional filters become available:
    • Date Range –  The Bill List report can be processed based on Invoice Date or Paid Date. Select the desired range and set the Start and End parameter.
  • Unpaid – When selected, additional filters become available:
    • Include bills that are on Hold – When selected results will include bills that are on hold. When unchecked, the option On Hold Bills Only will become available.
    • On Hold bills only – When selected, results will be bills that were flagged On Hold in the Add/Edit Bills menu option. 
    • From a P.O. – This option is available when the On Hold bills only option is checked. When selected, results will be narrowed down to AP Bills that have information entered in the PO # field of the Add/Edit Bills menu option.
    • Include bills due on or before – Set the date filter to the desired due on or before date.
    • Included Entered on or after – Set the date filter to the desired entered on or after date
    • Include due date range – Set the desired due date starting and ending parameters.
  • Both – Select to include both Paid and Unpaid AP Bills in the results.
  • User – This option is only available when the Paid or Both option is selected. By default, the report is set to All UsersOptionally select a specific User to filter results to Invoices entered by that User.
  • Show expense detail – When selected, the details of the AP Bill will display.