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  1.  Grower360 Fields

    Farms, Fields, and Field information, such as maps (if available), acreage, current weather conditions, and Field activity can be viewed from the Fields menu.       Fields can be searched and filtered using the Search field at the top ...
  2. API Lock Process

    The following explains the API lock process and what functions are unavailable while the database is locked. When this utility is used, any updates or posts to the database via API will be blocked until the utility is unlocked. This also includes an...
  3. Advanced Manufacturing

    Advanced Manufacturing uses one or more raw goods to produce multiple finished goods. An example is dividing cleaned corn into bags, totes, and screenings. With Advanced Manufacturing this is done in one step. Typically, a company uses their own pr...
  4. SKY Admin Videos

  5. Settlement Contract Signature Status Dashboard

    This dashboard honors user restrictions based on login location. Purpose The Settlement Contract Signature Status dashboard can be used to track which Settlement Contracts have been electronically signed and when grain clerks need to ensure con...
  6. A/R Reports

  7. Recording Credit Card Payments

    At  Accounting / Setup / Pay Methods  change the G/L account associated with the credit card payment methods to your credit card pending G/L account. Add a payment method for any card types you accept that are not already listed. Enter payments as...
  8. Refreshing Checkbook Reconciliation with Additional GL Accounts to a Prior Year

    Follow the steps below to refresh the general ledger accounts to a prior year with the Options button. Navigate to Accounting / G/L / Checkbook Reconciliation . Choose the necessary general ledger account, and select Reconcile . Select the ...
  9. Using Department Categories in Agvance

    Department categories are used to link products that are in separate departments. Categories can also be used as a filtering tool on some reports. Following is a list of most of the areas where categories are used in Agvance: Product Selection ...
  10. Prepaid Sales Tax

    In some cases, sales tax is prepaid. An example of prepaid sales tax is propane sales. Follow these instructions to use prepay dollars on sales tax. Manually Cover Sales Tax With Prepay Dollars Fill out the Invoice screen with the...