Available Credit Calculation

Available Credit, found on the Credit tab of the Customer file, is calculated by taking the Credit Limit less the Customer’s balance.

The Customer’s balance is calculated using the following formula:

Current Balance + sum of Extended Cost of loaded Delivery Tickets + sum of Extended Cost of loaded Blend Tickets + sum of Extended Cost of Energy Product Delivery Orders + Direct Ship Purchase Orders - Prepay

Note: The Extended Cost is calculated using the following criteria:

  • Delivery Ticket – If the ticket is priced, the Extended Cost is calculated using the pricing on the ticket. If the Delivery Ticket is not priced, the Department level cost when the ticket is saved is used.
  • Blend Ticket – If the ticket is quoted, the Extended Cost is calculated from the quoted pricing on the ticket. If the ticket is not quoted, the Quoting Basis cost when the ticket is saved is used.
  • Energy Product Delivery Orders – The Extended Cost is calculated from the Department level cost when the PDO was saved.

Prepay and Direct Ship Purchase Orders are optional items to include in this calculation. Direct Ship Purchase Orders are calculated using the following formula:

((Ordered - Amount Received) / Ordered) * (total of the Purchase Order + Freight + Add Ons)