Customer Price Lookup

This utility provides easy access to pricing history for customers and products. It also gives the discountable (effective) unit price which is useful for pricing product returns. This information may also be displayed when adding a customer Invoice.

At Accounting / Utilities / Customer Price Look Up select the Customers and Products. Indicate a date range then select Lookup to populate the grid.

Highlight a row and choose Prices to display the current List Price, Price Levels, and Costs, as well as any quoted prices for the customers and product.

Selecting the Analysis option enables the Analysis field. Instead of selecting a product, enter the specific analysis to display only Invoices with this analysis.

The Across Location option displays pricing history for products across multiple Locations where the Product IDs match within departments with the same Category code.

When adding a customer Invoice, double-click in the Unit $ field on a product line item and select the Lookup button to display pricing history columns. The Invoice Cust PO and Comments columns display.

Reference information for this utility:

  • The Price column displays the selling $ price/unit saved with the Invoice.
  • The Disc column displays the discounted dollar amount per unit.
  • The Effective column displays the discounted selling $ price/unit.
  • Information will not display in the Disc or the Effective column if payments are not received on the Invoice.
  • If the calculated discount is taken when the payment is received, it will be reflected in the Disc and the Effective columns.
  • If an additional discount is entered when the payment is received, it will be reflected in the Disc and the Effective columns.
  • If the discount is lowered when payment is received, it will be reflected in the Disc and the Effective columns.
  • If partial payment is taken and includes a partial discount, the partial discount will be reflected in the Disc and Effective columns.
  • If no discount is taken when payment is received, the Disc column will display 0.00 and the Effective column will be the same as the Price column.
  • If the Invoice is completely prepaid, the information will not display in the Disc and Effective columns.