Transactions are posted into the fiscal month open at the time they are saved, regardless of the date associated with the transactions. Example: A company running their fiscal year January through December is currently in the third month (March)....
Last Updated: 07/07/2023
in Knowledge Base Hub Hub Utilities
This function, found at Hub / Utilities / Create/Refresh Data , creates a copy of the currently logged in dataset to a different data folder on the current server or to another data server (running a version of SQL Server). Most often this function...
Last Updated: 03/15/2023
in Knowledge Base KB General
Q. What are SKY Bucks and how are they used? A. SaaS (Software as a Service) contracted customers are eligible for credit dollars or SKY Bucks which can be applied to training opportunities. SKY Buck Opportunities SKY Bucks can be used to cov...
Payments can be made via the Agvance SKY Customer application by completing the Sky Payments setup page. Payment Processors Toggle the Heartland option to On to allow for online credit card payments through Heartland. When the Heartlan...
Create verbal quotes on Customer profiles for reference.
In the Hub or Accounting module, navigate to File / Open / Customers .
Select the Customer and choose Edit .
On the Edit a Customer window, select...
Last Updated: 09/06/2023
in Education eLearnings
This course provides an introduction to using the SKY Dispatch Suite - Inform, Dispatch, and Apply. Start Course ...
Multiple Bookings may be added to a single Invoice, including an unpaid Product-specific Booking and a generic prepaid Booking. This is helpful when a customer prepays for a Pr...
As an Admin, create Grower360 Users and link them to Agvance Customers, all from Agvance SKY. In Customer, search for and select the desired Agvance Customer. Select Relationships from the left navigation menu. Choose the + Add User ico...
Unapplied Cash can be used to pay an Invoice by adding a Payment at Accounting / A/R / Payments or by selecting the Payment on Account(s) shortcut icon.
At the Payment on Account screen, check the Use U/A Cash option. Upon saving the pa...
There are a few options for importing activity from other applications into SSI. Vertical Ascii Files See here for more information on the Vertical Ascii Files import. Invoice ASCII Files Create Agvance Invoices from transactions brought i...