New Articles

  1. Special AR Situations

  2. Delete Lot Numbers

    End of Fiscal Year The best time to delete old Lot Numbers is at the end of the fiscal year. Before closing the year, make sure all Lot Numbers have the correct balances. Any Lots needing deleted should be at zero. Make any Inventory Adjustment...
  3. Tracking Lot Numbers

    Lot Numbers can be entered at the purchase, sale, and manufacture of inventory so Lots can be tracked all the way through the program and maintain accurate lot balances for products. Tracking of Product Lot Numbers can be done at several levels. Th...
  4. Lot Number Validation

    Agvance has a department-level preference to warn the user or stop the transaction if Lot Number information is not present on the purchase or sale of products in that department. It is strongly recommended to turn this preference on to track L...
  5. Receiving Product with Lot Numbers

    When creating a Purchase Receipt in Agvance for Product with a Lot Number, enter the Lot Number at the Add a Purchase Receipt screen. This will create a new Lot Number in the Product file if it does not already exist and add the inventory to that ...
  6. Veterinary Feed Directives Setup

    Beginning January 1st, 2017, the FDA restricts sales of animal feed containing certain drugs to only individuals with a valid Veterinary Feed Directive. To address these sales restrictions, Technology Groups may be used to accommodate Veterinary F...
  7. Tax Code Adjustments

    The optional Tax Code Adjustments allow State, County, Municipal, etc. tax codes to be defined and to have them accessible at the invoicing screen as needed. Important: Once Tax Code Adjustment defaults are established at Accounting /  Setup ...
  8. Sales Tax Overrides

    A Sales Tax Override may be applied to a line item based on Customer Classification, Product Classification, and the State and Adjustment Codes that default based on the sales tax hierarchy. Each Override can optionally be set up with a user-defined...
  9. Sales Tax Exemptions

    If taxable products are being sold but some customers are tax exempt, the various tax exemption reasons are defined at Setup / A/R / Sales Tax Exemptions . These reasons are then used at the Invoicing screen to explain why sales tax is not being ...
  10. Sales Tax Codes

    Sales tax reporting needs can vary significantly for companies depending on the number of taxing entities they report to or the number of different sales tax rate percentages their product line requires. This option offers more flexibility and detai...