New Articles

  1. OKI Data Printer Setup

    The following describes how to configure OkiData 320 Microline printers with USB connections to print Wide-3 format Agvance Grain Scale Interface Scale Tickets. This article can also be used as a general guide for setting up these printers for other...
  2. PrintBoss Setup

    Use the following to set up PrintBoss software for check printing in Agvance. Note: For more information on PrintBoss, see the Check Printing Options document or contact SSI at 1-800-752-7912. Step 1 – Install PrintBoss The PrintB...
  3. Batch Edit Customers

    The Batch Edit Customers function in Admin Utilities is used to edit several areas of the Customer file without opening Customer files one at a time. Multiple Customers can be selected to edit at the same time. To access the utility, go to H...
  4. Calendar Displays Incorrectly or Automation Error While Using Calendar in Agvance

    Q.  The following error occurred while trying to use the drop-down calendar function in Agvance: ‘Error -2147319765 – Automation Error Element not Found’  Another symptom of this issue is the calendar displays the days of the week in the wron...
  5. Agvance Move Databases Utility

    When a new data server is purchased, all Agvance datasets must be moved to the new server. Most Agvance customers have several related datasets. The primary database is typically stored in \AVDATA on the SQL server. Additionally, there are generally...
  6. Toolbar Reference - SKY Analytics

    The following are options available in the bottom toolbar when viewing a dashboard in Analytics. Undo – Reverse the most recent action in the workbook. Reverse an unlimited number of times back to the last time the workbook opened, even aft...
  7. Copy Roles/User Profiles

    The Copy Roles/User Profiles utility allows the option to duplicate Roles and Users in datasets where they were not originally included. Copying Roles from the current year dataset will ensure that all the Users’ corresponding Roles will be availabl...
  8. Wireless Signal Interference

    Q.  What devices can interfere with a wireless networking signal? A.  Wireless networks operate through radio signals at a frequency of 2.4 gHz, so anything else that produces a signal on the same frequency can cause interference. Microwave ovens...
  9. Remote Printing Using a Public IP Address

    The steps below detail how to set up a printer in one location in such a way that users at a different location can print to the printer over the Internet using a public IP address. This is sometimes necessary when using a mobile device that needs t...
  10. Using PDF Print Driver for Agvance Documents

    To send documents (Invoice, Delivery/Blend Ticket, map, etc.) via email, download a PDF print driver (everal companies offer free PDF drivers). Once installed, select the PDF driver at the Print Document screen. These documents can be sent in a PD...