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  1. Blend Jobs - Apply

    To switch between Blend Jobs and Delivery Jobs, select the down arrow at the top of the screen. The number displayed indicates the number of each job type assigned to the applicator. Blend Job List On any job, swipe from right to left to D...
  2. Advanced Deduction tied to a Grain Settlement Contract

    Designate specific Advanced deductions to be tied to Grain Settlement Contracts. Setup Select Add or Edit at Grain / Setup / Settlement Deduction . On the Add/Edit a Settlement Deduction window, when the Class of Deduction i...
  3. Apply Fact Sheet

    Staying connected with applicators on the job while keeping them mobile is what the Apply App is all about.
  4. Grain Balance Detail Report

    The Grain Balance Detail report provides a customer analysis of grain by contract and price. At Grain / Setup / Grain Ledger Accounts , establish the Grain Ledger Accounts for each Commodity per Location to display grain balances on the Grain ...
  5. Flat Rate Fees

    To apply flat rate per load fees such as inspection fees, etc. when settling units from Scale Tickets or Assembly Sheets, see the following. Rules Premium/Discount Schedules The same Premium/Discount Schedule name must be...
  6. Calculate a Deduction Amount on Shipment Settlements - Grain

    When Sales Contracts with selected Discount schedules are used on Shipment during the settlement, the Shipment Deductions may calculate a per Shipment Deduction for the deduction linked to a Premium / Discount schedule. Setup At ...
  7. Scale Ticket Formats for Agvance Scale Interface

    Following are samples of the Scale Ticket formats that can be used with the Agvance Scale Interface. SASI-Short SASI-Detail SASI-Full SASI-FP 2Up SASI-California The SASI style was designed to print on preprinted ticket forms that ...
  8. Definition of Server Path

    In the past, Agvance used a naming convention that included the server name in the path to the data (e.g. \server\drvc\data\avdata\agvance.mdf). However, this caused issues when network problems caused delays in resolving the server's name, causing ...
  9. Terminal Services and Roaming Profiles

    Q.  Can roaming profiles be used to keep profiles uniform across all terminal servers in the server farm? Are there any restrictions on the use of roaming profiles? A.  Terminal Services Roaming Profiles are almost a necessity with a server farm....
  10. Terminal Services - Disconnect vs. Logoff

    Q.  What is the difference between disconnecting and logging off a Terminal Services, Citrix, or Remote Desktop session? Does it matter which way a session is closed? A.  It is important to understand that when working in a remote session, the se...